Students wishing to add or drop modules must do so by
completing and submitting an online request via the automated
Add/Drop application, within the first two weeks of the
commencement of classes in either Semester 1, 2 or the summer
session. The application is only available to currently registered
students of the University.
Students must comply with any College/Faculty-specific
requirements concerning attending lectures and laboratories and
continue attending all classes until the add/drop request has been
fully approved. To discontinue a module after the add/drop period
a student must request to do a withdrawal from the module.
Withdrawal from a Module
Withdrawal from a module is advised only in extenuating
circumstances. A student wishing to withdraw from a module
shall discuss the matter with his/her academic advisor before
submitting the form to the programme director, no less than two
weeks before the suspension of classes for the Semester or the
Summer session.
Failure to apply for a withdrawal will result in
a “fail” grade for the module. There will be no right to appeal
Students are limited to a maximum of two modules in any given
academic session.
Refunds are not applicable to module