The Medical
The medical form is to be submitted before or upon registration.
It is important to note that a completed medical form is vital for
the processing of your registration. Students will not be registered
without submitting their medical reports to the medical centre.
The form must be completed by the prospective student and
signed by a medical practitioner.
Health Insurance
All registered students are enrolled in the insurance scheme
offered by the University, whether or not in position of private
insurance. Coverage is provided in two main components: (1)
Health (2) Accident/Injury. The fee categories are applicable to:
Health Insurance Premium
Accident & Injury Premium
Health Centre Administrative Fees
Identification Cards
Processing of your Identification (ID) Card will be done by the
Department of Safety and Security, which is located on the
ground floor of the main Administrative building on the Papine
campus. A schedule will be provided for students of the Western
campus to process their identification cards once enrolment has
been completed.
A valid identification card indicates that a student is enrolled
for the academic year. This card gives access to University