Application of transfer credit(s) must be received prior to the start
of the academic year.
Once this period has passed, students
must apply for exemptions.
See ‘Regulation 3’ in the
for policy and procedures
An exemption is: (a) the award of credits for workplace or
professionally certified experience where the learning outcomes
are deemed equivalent to those prescribed in a UTech module
and/or; (b) the award of credits for equivalent module
successfully pursued at an approved institution, which were not
considered during initial application to the course of study.
Students will be assigned a grade of EXEM for exemption, which
will not be calculated in the GPA.
Students who have received approval for exemption on modules
from the university’s academic board will be required
to pay
associated cost assigned to the module, and will not be entitled to
a reduction in fees and/or refund.
The number of transfer credit(s) and exemptions may affect the
eligibility for certain class of awards. See ‘Regulation 3’ in the