Important Information for Enrolment
(Information in this section must be supplemented by the full
policies and regulations of the university).
Enrolment is the process by which students select and confirm
modules and/or class times, specific to their courses of study in
conjunction with their academic advisor. Upon selection and
confirmation of modules, students are required to pay their tuition
and complete the enrolment process and collect their
identification cards. Enrolment allows student(s) to attend
lectures, tutorials and sit examinations.
Accepted applicants to the University may request a deferral of
their registration for a period not exceeding one year. This
request should be made in writing to the Registrar and copied to
the Head of School before the beginning of the instructional
period in which the course of study would commence.
Accepted applicants who have been granted deferrals will be
guaranteed places for the next academic year in the course of
study for which the original offer was made, only if there are no
changes to the matriculation requirements. The Enrolment
Commitment Fee (ECF) must be paid.