Marchalleck Deanna, Mrs

Deanna Marchalleck started as a Lecturer in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management in September 2009 having previously worked in both private and public sector organizations of the Hospitality and Tourism industry.
Deanna’s philosophy is that learning should be fun. She endeavours to make the teaching and learning process as fun as possible while delivering the concepts and learning objectives of the modules she presently facilitates - namely Critical Thinking in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Professional Ethics in the Hospitality Industry, Meetings and Conventions Management. Other modules she has facilitated are Front Office Management, Sanitation and Food Safety, Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management, Dining Room 1 (Theory and Practical), Customer Service Management and her all-time favourite Professional Development Seminar. She is a stickler for protocol, respect and exceptional service and in 2019, proposed and sponsored the Deanna Marchalleck Professional Development Award – given to the student who has demonstrated significant, transformational improvement in Deportment, Attitude and Subject Application.
Deanna accepted an invitation to join colleague Lecturer Nigel Cooper in a research endeavour looking at the Feasibility of Dog Tourism and, in April 2017, they presented their findings to a select audience at the Wexford Court Hotel, Montego Bay.
In June 2019, she was a recipient of the Canada-CARICOM Faculty Leadership Program tenable at Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Ontario, Canada.