Fees charged by the University of Technology, Jamaica are
approved by the University Council and the Ministry of
Education for each academic year. The University reserves the
right to make changes to fees and/or the procedures for payment.
All fees should be paid by cash or manager’s cheque at any
branch of the National Commercial Bank, Bill Express or
Paymaster branches island wide.
The University of Technology, Jamaica Finance and Business
Services Division has approved a fee payment guide and
enrolment procedures for students attending the institution.
Students are therefore required to comply with the rules stipulated
in this guide which are subject to change without notice. To avoid
delays at enrolment, students are strongly advised to pay their
fees and be “cleared by Accounts.”
Fee Structure
Fees payable upon registration at the beginning of the
academic year are as follows: tuition, examination/assessment fee
and ancillary fees (non-refundable), which include, Students’
Union, health, student welfare fund, registration, Jam Copy
Tariff, health/personal accident insurance (non-refundable).
All students are required to pay all the fee components outlined.
In addition, some Schools/Courses of Study may have other
prescribed fees for particular activities. For example, Axis Journal