Job Placement Services

The Career and Placement Unit assists students/alumni in gaining various forms of employment and/or exposure to the working world.

The following forms of employment can be obtained through the Unit:

  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Seasonal – e.g. summer employment
  • Voluntary

UTech, Ja. graduates are known in local and international job markets as being work-ready and are highly sought after by leading companies. We receive daily requests from companies for various forms of employment and, from our pool of applicants, we fill these requests. Additionally, we make contact with potential employers to initiate job placement.

Recruiters may use this form to highlight existing vacancies and recruit from our talent pool.

How do you students/graduates access the placement services of the Career and Placement Unit? 

Accessing the services of the Career and Placement Unit only takes three simple steps; 

  1. Email or you may take a hard copy version of your résumé to the Career and Placement Unit to be vetted.
  2. AFTER corrections are made, submit your résumé via email for addition to our pool via:  

    Résumés are to be submitted with the email subject having one of the following formats depending on the type of job being requested 

    For students who are still studying:

    Full-Time (For those who are studying and seeking a full-time job) - "Full-Time - First Name Last Name - Faculty" - For those who are  studying and seeking a full-time job
    eg. Full-Time - Mark Brown - Faculty of Law 

    Part-Time (For those who are studying and seeking a part-time job) - "Part Time - First Name Last Name - Faculty" 
    eg. Part-Time - Mark Brown - Faculty of Law 

    Summer (For those who are studying and seeking a summer job) "Summer - First Name Last Name - Faculty" 
    eg. Summer - Mark Brown - Faculty of Law 

    For Graduates

    Graduate (For those who have completed their studies and are seeking a job) - "Graduate - First Name Last Name - Faculty - Major" 
    eg. Graduate - Patrick Pinnock Jr. - School of Business Administration - Accounting 

  3. Wait for an email to tell you that your résumé was received

Employment and Internship Fair

This event marks a key opportunity for industry leaders to engage with the next generation of talents, 2nd to final year students, from a broad range of academic specializations. These students/ soon-to be graduates are prepared to meet industry demands by offering their skills for short-term internships directly related to their areas of study OR more long-term employment.

What to Expect:

  • Tech-savvy graduates who are ready to work or engage in internship opportunities.
  • Industry professionals will have direct access to some of the brightest students from UTech, Jamaica’s various faculties.
  • A platform for industry partners to evaluate potential future employees while contributing to the academic development of these students.
  • Opportunities for students to demonstrate employability skills, such as critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving, in an industry context.

List of 2025 Registered Companies for Employment and Internship Fair

No Name of Company Positions Available Faculty Registration Link
1 Mussons Group (Musson Ltd., T Geddes Grant, General Accident) Brand Manager, Logistics Officer, Sales Representative College of Business and Management;Faculty of Engineering and Computing
2 Digicel Group Human Resources, Technical, ICT Team, Financial Services, Customer Service, Marketing, Commercial College of Business and Management;Faculty of Engineering and Computing;Faculty of the Built Environment
3 PMD Company Ltd (Jobs) Chemical Engineer, Brand Manager Faculty of Engineering and Computing;College of Business and Management;Faculty of Science and Sports
4 PMD Company Ltd (Technical Interns) Technician FENC
5 DECASSERES FARMS LTD Sales representatives, Accounting professionals, HR assistants, operators Joint Colleges;Faculty of Engineering and Computing;College of Business and Management;College of Health Sciences
6 BDO (Chartered Accountants) Accounting, Auditing College of Business and Management
7 Grid Dynamics Java developer, Senior Java developer, Vue.js developer, Senior Vue.js developer Faculty of Engineering and Computing
8 Kingston Wharves Ltd Accountant, Maintenance Technician, Mechanic, Inventory Officer, Client Services Rep Faculty of Engineering and Computing;College of Business and Management;Faculty of the Built Environment
9 Ernst & Young (EY) Internships in:Audit, Consulting, Strategy & Transactions, Tax College of Business and Management;Faculty of Engineering and Computing
10 Innovation Corporate Solutions Ltd. Technical Support Engineers, Technical Interns FENC
11 The Hive Careers  Filling all vacancies College of Business and Management
12 JOYST Overseas Internships SHTM
13 PLAYA HOTELS Prep Cook, Cooks, Bakers, Front Office Agents, Engineers, Finance, Human Resources College of Business and Management;Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies;College of Health Sciences;Faculty of the Built Environment;Faculty of Engineering and Computing;Faculty of Law;Joint Colleges;Faculty of Science and Sports
14 FLATBRIDGE Operations Representative College of Business and Management;Faculty of the Built Environment;Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies;Faculty of Engineering and Computing
15 Pepsi Cola Quality Control Analysts, Operative Technicians (On the Production Line), Maintenance Technicians, Talents (Procurement and Finance), Procurement Analyst, Infrastructure Analyst and Environmental Analyst, Supply Coordinator, COMEX Analyst College of Business and Management;Faculty of Engineering and Computing;Faculty of Science and Sports
16 Caribbean Broilers Data Analysis, Accounting, Maintenance College of Business and Management;Faculty of Engineering and Computing
17 Courtleigh Hotel & Suites Kitchen, Housekeeping, Bartender, waitress, Driver, Sales Contractors etc. Joint Colleges, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, College of Business and Management, College of Health Sciences
18 ILDS International Employment Agency Local and international positions College of Health Sciences, College of Business and Management, Faculty of the Built Environment, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Law, Joint Colleges, Faculty of Science and Sports
19 The Sherwin-Williams Company Management and Sales Summer Internship & Management and Sales Training Program College of Business and Management, Faculty of the Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Computing
20 AC Hotel Front Desk Agent, Cook, Admin Assistant, Engineering Technician, Accounting Clerk  College of Business and Management, Faculty of Engineering and Computing
21 PwC Jamaica Trainee - students who will be completing their degree in Accounting (or related degree) seeking to jump start their career in the field of External Audit. College of Business and Management
22 VIP Attractions Ltd Customer Service Executives, Hostess College of Business and Management
23 Playa Hotels and Resorts Human Resources, Finance, Information Technology, Landscaping, Engineering, Guest Relations, Housekeeping, Spa and Wellness  College of Health Sciences, College of Business and Management, Faculty of the Built Environment, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Law, Joint Colleges, Faculty of Science and Sports
24 Skills Acquisition Services Accounting, Business, Sales & Marketing, HR Faculty: College of Health Sciences, College of Business and Management, Faculty of the Built Environment, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Law, Joint Colleges, Faculty of Science and Sports
25 Dept of Correctional Services (MNS) Various College of Business and Management; Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies; College of Health Sciences ;Faculty of the Built Environment; Faculty of Engineering and Computing; Faculty of Law;Joint Colleges; Faculty of Science and Sports
26 VM Group Project & Property Management; Valuation Form COBAM; FENC; FOBE
27 F.S.C. Construction Works Ltd Junior Site Supervisor FOBE
28 Mystique Integrated Services
Account Executive - Digital Department, Marketing Coordinators (Project Management),
College of Business and Management