UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 176 appropriate subject, and at a level appropriate for the course of study to be examined. 5.3.3 The nominee is of an appropriate aca- demic and/or professional standing to maintain the comparability of academic standards in the context of higher education. 5.3.4 The nominee has sufficient recent experience of examining at the required level, preferably including experience as an external examiner or comparable related experience to indicate compe- tence in assessing students in the sub- ject area concerned. 5.3.5 The nominee will not have such other extensive examining commitments that they cannot properly discharge their duties in respect of this University. 5.3.6 The nominee will be impartial in judge- ment, and for the last five years the nominee normally must not have been: (a) a member of staff, a student or a near relative of a member of staff in relation to the Course of Studies, or who had a relationship with any of the above; (b) an examiner from any other institu- tion of higher education which jointly delivers a Course of Study with this University. (c) be involved as an external examiner for the Course of Study when it was approved by another validating body; In addition, the nominee must not be: (d) personally associated with the sponsorship of students; (e) required to assess colleagues who are recruited as students to the course of study; (f) in a position to influence signifi- cantly the future employment of students on the Course of Study; (g) likely to be involved with student placements or training in the examiner’s organisation. 5.3.7 An external examiner must immediately notify the University Registrar in writing of any material change of circumstances which would lead to a breach of the conditions of appointment outlined above. A P P O I N T M E N T O F E X T E R N A L E X A M I N E R S 6. External examiners shall be appointed by the Academic Board after considera- tion of recommendations from the Faculty/College Board. The University Registrar will forward a letter of appoint- ment to the external examiner with a copy to the relevant Dean, and Head of School/Department. 7. Appointments of external examiners shall be for a period of not more than R E G U L A T I O N 4