“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 85 Date Details Aug 08 – Nov 30 Conditionalities for Part-Payment Plan – Boarding & Tuition Boarding students are required to: Pay the minimum 30% of total Boarding invoice, as well as 30% of total Tuition invoice by • September 30, 2022; in order to avoid Late Registration Fee of J$10,000.00 or US$100.00. Pay a minimum of 60% of total Boarding Invoice as well as 60% of total Tuition invoice by • October 31, 2022 in order to avoid the Facility Fee of J$10,000.00 or US$100.00 Complete full payment (100%) of Boarding and Tuition Invoice by November 30, 2022 in order to • avoid account (E:Vision Portal) being blocked at the end of the semester. Where accounts are blocked due to outstanding balances, students will be prevented from registering in subsequent academic sessions and will not be able to receive clearance for award of certification; until outstanding fees are cleared. SLB Students awaiting Final Loan Approval SLB students are reminded as a condition of their SLB loan, they are required to pay in full the annual • Miscellaneous Fees (out-of-pocket) in order to be financially cleared; even with a fully approved loan. The payment of the ECD will therefore go towards covering these annual ancillary fees. Where the • ancillary fees for a specific programme exceeds the ECD of $30,000.00; students MUST also pay the difference, in order to be financially cleared. SLB students are encouraged to submit all required documents to ensure that they secure a fully • approved loan by the Census Date, September 30, 2022. No Fee Penalties will be applied to SLB students awaiting final loan approval. • Fully Sponsored / Scholarship Students Recipients of Full Scholarship/Sponsorship are not required to pay the ECD; where their scholar- • ship/sponsorship covers the full amount for each semester. Scholarship/sponsorship students with prior year credit balances equal or exceeding the minimum • ECD requirement, will need to contact the Student Financial Services Unit: fincustomersupport@utech.ecu.jm Unit to request the transfer of funds from the previous academic year to the current one. UNDERGRADUATE FEE PAYMENT SCHEDULE – SEMESTER ONE, 2022/2023