STUDENT FINANCING The information contained herein represents a comprehensive policy guideline on matters concerning student financing for undergraduate students; to include information on fee payment requirements as well as student related financial services offered by the University. Undergraduate students are required to comply with these policy directives (below) and adhere to the attending procedures; as outlined in this section of the Student Handbook. Please note that these policies and procedures are subject to change without notice. FEE STRUCTURE THE ENROLMENT COMMITMENT DEPOSIT (ECD) All students are required to make a mandatory Enrolment Commitment Deposit (ECD) payment 2022–23 academic in order to begin module selection each semester. The ECD is not an additional fee, instead it is a payment towards the overall cost for each semester and is non-refundable. The ECD is also non-transferrable from one academic year to the next except where students are approved for Leave of Absence; or Deferral as a newly admitted student. Once the ECD requirement is satisfied, students will be given the opportunity to select modules and are required to meet the minimum amount for financial clearance in each semester; as per the approved payment plan options. TUI T ION & ANCI LLARY FEES Tuition fees are payable at the start of each semester, while the following non-refundable ancillary fees are payable annually, usually at the beginning of the academic year: 1. Students’ Union Dues 2. Health Insurance 3. Student Welfare Fund 4. Registration 5. Jam Copy Tariff 6. Health/Personal Accident Insurance 7. Other fees where applicable (Law Library, Axis Journal, E-Books) Students are required to pay all the fee components outlined above. In addition, some Colleges/Faculties may have other prescribed fees TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 80 Garcia Green-McLennon Director, Student Financing STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES