community, including practitioners in the industry, are introduced to new and innovative training in the arts. It is a school that aids in the development of artists and artistes, new and experienced, by collaborating with professionals for academic, practical and relevant training. PROGRAMMES OFFERED The Centre offers a diverse range of disciplines, of which three are University electives. Each of the three contributes three (3) credits towards the completion of the degree programme at the University. The electives are online and face-to-face and are as follows: • Drama and Theatre Arts • Introduction to Dance • Introduction to Music In addition to electives, the Centre offers the following extra-curricular programmes: DRAMA ENSEMBLE Tuesday: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to drama allows students to gain knowledge of a wide cross section of theatre arts, in a detailed yet compact programme designed to cultivate a deeper appreciation of theatre/drama and its impact on culture, history and social development. Students are introduced to acting and theatre, and voice and speech. Areas covered include: • Transformation • Storytelling & Improvisation • Public performance • Dramatic verse and much more DANCE ENSEMBLE Friday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. This course helps to extend the participant’s understanding of how the body responds to rhythm and in addition, to develop an appreciation for the tradition of dance as an international language. The discipline gives students a basic knowledge of techniques in dance. Different genres of dance are explored to include traditional and contemporary forms. Students will be engaged as a professional performing ensemble at the university’s events. UTECH, JAMAICA CHOIR Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.. Thursday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The programme encourages students to effectively use the voice, the most available musical instrument, to express their own culture and to explore the culture of others. It emphasizes the development of each student’s ability to sing well by providing relevant techniques, principles and practices. Students gain meaningful exposure to: • a repertoire of music from the Caribbean & Africa. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” SUP POR T SE R V I C E S FOR ST UD E NT S 73