Student Handbook 2024-25

dents, then students may leave and a representative from the class will then complete the TLPG-2 form indicating the instructor’s absence. This form will be submitted to the HOS/HOD/PD. Students are to be self-directed in their approach to learning and in the pursuit of their courses of study. Students should: • attend classes consistently • be punctual for classes • do assigned readings and other assignments in preparation for classes • follow acceptable standards of dress and proper grooming • participate in group assignments and projects • not exhibit disruptive behaviour PRINTERY/BINDERY The Printery, located beside the Computer Lab, in the School of Information and Technology, is responsible for most internal publications, such as books, teaching manuals and other educational and informational materials developed and produced by Faculties and other units. The Printery also offers the following services to students at a cost: • Digital colour and black-and-white printing and photocopying of documents such as projects and theses. These documents can be printed from e-mails (maximum print or copy size 11” x 17”) • Binding (ring or hard bound) • Repair and re-covering of text books. SHELLY-ANN FRASER ASSESSMENT CENTRE FOR CHI LDREN The Shelly-Ann Fraser Assessment Centre for Children (SAFACC) – a unit within the School of Allied Health and Wellness, College of Health Sciences – was launched on Monday, December 10, 2012. The centre is located to the northern end of UTech, Jamaica Papine campus, adjacent to the Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Education & Daycare Centre. SAFACC was established against the immense global recognition of the need to improve the assessment and management of children with exceptionalities. The Centre was named in tribute to Mrs. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce who graduated from UTech, Ja. with the Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Adolescent and Development. This tribute serves as an acknowledgement of her passion and commitment to working with children and to memorialize her contribution to the University and to Jamaica. In 2012 she was appointed the first University Ambassador of the University of Technology, Jamaica in recognition of her demonstrated significant interest and pride in the University and as well as her high standards of integrity. In November 2016, she was conferred with the degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. The services currently offered by SAFACC include: • Screening, assessment and intervention of T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 SUP POR T SE R V I C E S FOR ST UD E NT S 71