Student Handbook 2024-25

CYNTHIA SHAKO EARLY CHI LDHOOD EDUCAT ION & DAY CARE CENTRE The Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Centre offers exceptional day care services to children 3 months to 3 years in a stimulating, nurturing and caring environment. The Centre operates under the supervision of the College of Health Sciences and is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. AFTERCARE PROGRAMME After care services are provided for children ranging from 3 to 8 years old. Children enrolled in the aftercare programme are offered assistance with homework as well as other age appropriate and developmental activities. SUMMER PROGRAMME The Centre hosts an annual summer programme catering to children 4–10 years old. This summer programme is available to the general public. Our programme is based on learning through themes, which incorporates all the developmental domains as guided by the Jamaican Early Childhood curriculum. Essentially, the overarching goal of the Centre is to positively and systematically influence the development of each child within our care, while allowing all parents/guardians to continue their education and carry out their duties with confidence. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY SERVICE AND DEVELOPMENT The Community Service Programme (CSP 1001) is a mandatory forty-five (45) hour, one-credit module which comprises five (5) contact hours in the classroom and forty (40) community service hours out in the field. These forty (40) contact hours must be completed at an approved agency agreed on by the CSP tutor or the Community Service Department at the University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech, Ja). Students should register for the module in semesters one, two, or three of their first or second year but they must complete it in the semester in which they have registered. All students who enrolled in the module before the academic year 2022/23 are required to complete and submit all outstanding assessments during semester one of the 2022/23 academic year. For further information, please visit JAMAICA VALUES AND ATT I TUDES PROGRAMME (JAMVAT) Students may apply to participate in the Jamaica Values and Attitudes Programme (JAMVAT) of the National Youth Service through the Department of Community Service. In this programme students carry out 200 hours of community service work and in return have 30% of their tuition fees for that year paid by JAMVAT. Application forms can be downloaded T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 SUP POR T SE R V I C E S FOR ST UD E NT S 59