ensure that students with disabilities or severe illnesses are given the attention and care they need to make their academic pursuit a success. In light of this, the University of Technology, Jamaica provides a number of services for persons with disabilities designed specially to ensure that they have proper access while pursuing their studies and are able to participate fully in university life. Under the theme “removing barriers and creating access and independence for special needs student”, the Office of Insurance and Special Needs in Student Services department ensures that students with physical, medical, or psychological disabilities have equal access to university programmes and services. • Appropriate academic accommodations can be requested based on the student’s functional limitations. This must be verified by a medical practitioner and be further evaluated by our UTech, Ja. Medical Centre and/or Counselling Unit. • At Student Services, the staff will explain the academic accommodation process, including the documentation that must be submitted relating to the student’s health condition, along with input from the student’s health care professional. • Students who believe they have undiagnosed disability should obtain an evaluation through the University Counselling Service (876-970-5028) or private health care provider. • Diagnosed students can request academic accommodation. • Student academic accommodation is sent to the faculty explaining the accommodations that have been approved by the special needs unit. • The student’s condition or diagnosis is not discussed with the instructors. However, instructors may need to discuss the accommodations with the student to determine how best to implement them. SPECIAL NEEDS UNI T Special Needs Students may make arrangements for special requirements during online and or face to face learning and assessments, such as: • Readers • Scribes • Large print • Lab assistance • Special tutoring • Additional time • Rest period or supervised breaks • Special facilities for in-course tests and examination • Interpretation Services • Housing accommodation • Screen reader to be placed on computer monitors • Assistance with registration at Jamaica Council for Persons with Disability. • The Job Access Work System (JAWS) – “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” DI V I S I ON OF ST UD E NT SE R V I C E S AND RE G I S T RY 46