Student Handbook 2024-25

The school is charged with carrying out the University’s mandate for flexible and open learning through continuing education and professional development and is the place for pre-university programmes, executive education, professional studies and cuttingedge technology skills in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. The school is uniquely positioned as the conduit for introducing established faculty short courses, as well as offering several short courses that cater to the professional development needs of experienced professionals. By extension, the school intends to increase access to the programmes in the Faculties and Colleges, offering foundation courses for students who did not meet the university's matriculation requirements for admission. From its various sites and through innovative programme delivery, UTechOpen is committed to: • Coordinating the pre-university and lifelong learning and professional development programmes for the university. • Responding to the training and developmental needs of businesses and industries. • Responds to the relevant needs of people within the communities who might not have had access to university programmes; • Preparing eligible individuals to matriculate to the UTech Faculties through the provision of pre-university courses. • Guiding the programme articulation protocols for enrolment and advanced placement into existing UTech programmes; • Managing the preliminary courses and programme requirements for each Faculty. • Providing opportunities for personal and professional educational development through continuing education. • Collaborating with Faculties, institutions and organisations in the development and delivery of continuing education and community education programmes, research projects and consultancies. • Expanding the access to UTech educational services beyond the Papine campus into rural and wider communities. • Coordinating The UTech summer semester Continuing Education programmes. • Providing opportunities for personal and professional educational development through Continuing Education. T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024 – 2025 31