offers students concentration in journalism, public relations, advertising or writing. This highly practical, problem-based course of study equips graduates with skills including website and digital design, photography, digital audio production, multimedia storytelling, video production, editing, and graphic design. The four-year Bachelor of Arts in Apparel Design Production Management (ADPM) course of study prepares skilled and work ready fashion designers for the Jamaican market and beyond. The very exciting two year Associate of Arts Degree in Image Consulting and Fashion Styling was designed to prepare graduates as fashion stylists, photographic stylists, image consultants, fashion buyers, makeup artists, theatre, film and TV Wardrobe Stylists. The Associate of Science and Bachelor of Science Degrees in Entertainment Design and Production Technology are the newest courses of study offered by the faculty. These two exciting new courses of study seek to provide training and professional certification to individuals interested in the design and production of entertainment events. Leveraging Jamaica’s advantage as a dynamic cultural space, the courses of study stand at the juncture between the cultural and creative industries and technology education and training. Graduates are equipped with the technical skills necessary to provide services for live and recorded entertainment events, using both traditional and digital media with specialisations in Audio Design and Production, Electrical Design and Production, and Structural and Scenic Design and Production. C. LANGUAGE TEACHING & RESOURCE CENTRE (LTRC) AND SOCIAL SCI ENCES The offerings out of these units support all the programmes offered across the university. This is accomplished through the provision of general education and elective modules that undergird the technical content of the various specializations. The modules offered are in the fields of academic literacy, psychology, social psychology, philosophy, sociology, ethics and foreign languages (Spanish, French, and Japanese). FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & COMPUTING The Faculty of Engineering and Computing (FENC) has been the premier tertiary level provider of education in engineering and computing in Jamaica for more than fifty years. The Faculty has graduated competent highly knowledgeable and skilled engineers and computing professionals to support industrial development and economic growth. Unique to its programme offerings are the bilingual degree in Chemical Engineering (English and Spanish) and the Enterprise Computing programme. These programmes are offered nowhere else in the English Speaking Caribbean. All of the established programmes within the Faculty have been accredited locally by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ). In addition, “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” GOV E RNANC E 26