Student Handbook 2024-25

normally appointed on a three-year basis by the Cabinet on the recommendation of the respective nominating bodies. The Council is chaired by the Pro-Chancellor. THE ACADEMIC BOARD The Academic Board that was established under Article 12 of the Charter is chaired by the President and is the principal body responsible for the academic governance within the University. The Board is subject to the powers of the President and Council and has the responsibility for the academic affairs of the University, both in teaching and in research, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education of the students of the University as prescribed in the Statutes. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DIVI S ION The Academic Affairs Division is responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of curricula, instruction and academic policy within the University. This division is comprised of three Colleges, five Faculties, and seven Academic Management Support units, along with the administrative Office of the Deputy President, all committed to carrying out the academic mission of the University. Headed by the Deputy President, the division executes the academic programme of the University, and provides direction and oversight for creating, developing, and delivering academic programmes, plans and policies. The division coordinates the Academic Affairs Leadership Group; and the Boards of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies, entities responsible for academic quality and delivery. COLLEGES AND FACULTIES ACADEMIC ORGANISATION Colleges and Faculties are headed by Deans who are responsible for administration and academic affairs and report to the Deputy President and the Academic Board. The academic sub-divisions within each entity include Schools, Departments and Divisions. The faculties/colleges are as follows:- COLLEGE OF BUS INESS & MANAGEMENT The College of Business and Management comprises the following Schools: • The School of Business Administration • The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management • The School of Advanced Management • The Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership, which includes the Technology Innovation Centre (TIC). See page 71 for information on the TIC. The policy of the College is to create and maintain close strategic alliance with corporate Jamaica and other similar entities within the region, thereby helping to ensure the continued relevance of its programmes. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” GOV E RNANC E 24