I NTRODUCTION The purpose of the Change of Grade Policy is to ensure that the final grade assigned to a student is fair and unprejudiced, and is based upon a marking scheme that is professionally acceptable. The method of assessment and grading scheme shall be submitted to all students, in writing, at the beginning of the academic period in which the module is to be delivered. Any subsequent change in assessment procedure must be approved by the College/Faculty Curriculum Committee and communicated to the students by the middle of the semester or summer session. Change of grade is normally initiated by the lecturer/module coordinator or reviewer. Valid reasons for considering grade changes are: • Incorrect grade entry • Miscalculation of grades • Lost script • Omission of assessment components completed by students on time • Late submission authorized by the College/Faculty Board of Examiners • Failure to follow grading procedure • Review of assessment component following grade appeal by student. In order for a student to receive a grade change, a "Change of Grade" form must be completed and signed by the lecturer/module coordinator or by the reviewer. The form must then be verified by the Programme Director, and then approved by the Head of the School responsible for the module, on behalf of the College/Faculty Board of Examiners. The form is then submitted to the College/Faculty Administrator’s Office for processing on behalf of the Academic Board (Registrar) and a report submitted to the Dean in charge of academic affairs. If a mistake has been made for a whole class or a significant portion of the class, a special group request letter may be made to the Dean and copied to the Head of School. GRADE APPEAL Students have the right to appeal the final grade assigned to a module. Before appealing the final grade, the student should first discuss the matter with the lecturer, then with the Programme Director if there is no resolution with the lecturer. A student who is still dissatisfied with the outcome may submit a written request (using the appeal form available at the Student Affairs Office) to the Academic Board, through the Head of School in which the module was taught, within 10 working days after the validation of the final module grade. It is incumbent on the student to submit along with the TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 248 CHANGE OF GRADE POLICY