In creating the Emblem or Arms, the University sought to reflect its values and focus while maintaining a link with the College of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST). The components, which are generally stylised, are interpreted below: The Doctor Bird (feeding on the hibiscus – a source of sustenance) and pineapples (part of the Jamaica Coat of Arms) symbolize the uniqueness of the institution as the foremost national university. The Lignum vitae, a native Jamaican flower, is abundant on the Liguanea Plains on which the University is located and symbolizes productivity and the capacity to withstand adversity. The sun symbolizes life, light and energy; the mountains – strength, majesty and beauty; the open book on its sides, which follows the contours of the mountains, the generation, accessibility and transfer of knowledge; and the pair of dividers, also a component of the CAST logo – technology and the continuity between CAST and UTech, Ja. The use of the Emblem is guided by the provisions of the Use of Emblem and Graphic Standards Policy which include the following: • The emblem should be used only on official university documents. These include letterheads, faculty brochures and other university stationery. • The emblem should be placed at the top left-hand corner of documents or top centre of degree parchments and certificates issued by the University alone, or the University in collaboration with other academic institutions. • No writing should appear above the emblem or to the left of it. • The original colours (the University colours) should be represented exactly. • The emblem should not be encircled by lines or decorations. Permission to use the emblem must be sought from the Governance Committee through the Registrar. The process which normally takes two weeks is managed by the University Secretariat. Forms are available on the Intranet. The University’s motto, “Magna per artem gesta” is engraved on the emblem. This Latin phase translates to “Excellence through Knowledge”. The University’s motto, “Magna per artem gesta” is engraved on the emblem. This Latin phase translates to “Excellence through Knowledge”. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 12 THE EMBLEM AND ITS USE MISSION: “To positively impact Jamaica and the wider Caribbean through high quality learning opportunities, research and value-added solutions to government, industry and communities”. VISION: “We are the #1 University in the Caribbean for work-ready leaders, committed to transforming students and society through high quality teaching, research and value-added services”. TH E MISSION AN D VISION OF THE UNIVERSITY