University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 TR AN S F E R CR E D I T AND EX EMP T I ON PO L I C Y 242 where the learning outcomes are deemed equivalent to those prescribed in a UTech, Jamaica, module, and/or (b) the award of credits for equivalent module successfully pursued at an approved institution, which were not considered during the initial application to the course of study. Students will be assigned a grade of EXEM for exemption, which will not be calculated in the GPA. Exemption, however, needs to be based on a balance between recognising the importance of accrediting prior learning and ensuring that students granted exemption from a module can prove that they have the knowledge, skills and competencies which form the objectives of that course of study. 2.1 BAS I S OF EXEMPT ION a. The student may be considered for module exemption on the basis of the equivalence of formal learning experiences provided by approved institutions upon submission of documentary evidence OR for equivalent module(s) successfully pursued at an approved institution. The date on the certificate must not exceed seven years immediately preceding the year the application was made for exemption; otherwise, the student must apply for module exemption via Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credits. b. To be considered for module exemption via PLA, the student must challenge the module by preparing and submitting a portfolio detailing at least five years of current, relevant experience OR sitting a challenge examination, through which the learning outcomes of a module will be assessed. The student may also be required to attend an interview. c. Only modules valued at 2 credits and above are eligible for challenge via PLA. d. The Academic Unit decides the modules with the required credit value that are eligible for challenge via PLA. e. The student has the right to appeal the final grade assigned for a challenge examination or portfolio (see Student Handbook Regulation 4-Review of Decisions on Academic progress). 2.2 DOCUMENTATION OF EXEMPTED MODULES a. An exemption will be recorded on the student’s transcript as ‘EXEM’ and will include the number of credits recognised. b. Exempted modules will not be included in the GPA; however, the number of exemptions may affect the class of award. 2.3 CREDIT LIMIT AND ACCEPTABILITY a. Students are expected to complete at least fifty percent (50%) of the course of study as registered students of the University, including 60% of levels 3 and 4 modules, to receive a University award. b. A student will only be allowed one (1) exemption from a Co-operative Education module in any course of study. c. Students will not be allowed to sit challenge examinations for modules which they have failed.