University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 238 SEMESTERISED AND NON- SEMESTERISED STUDENTS 1. A student who fails a module must redo that module or do an equivalent module that is approved by the College/Faculty. 2. To redo a module means to register for the module, attend classes, complete all coursework assignments, and sit the endof-module final examination, if applicable. 3. Only currently registered students of the University are eligible to redo modules. 4. Opportunities for redoing a module may be available during Semester 1, Semester 2 or the Summer Session in a given academic year. Students should confirm with the College/Faculty that is responsible for the module to determine when it will be offered. 5. Except for extenuating circumstances (See Regulation 4), students are required to sit the final examination in the same academic session that he/she registered to re-do the module. SEMESTERISED STUDENTS 6. Enrolment and payment to redo modules must be done during the registration periods by selecting the modules online. 7. If a student fails a module that is a prerequisite for another module, he/she will be required to pass the module that was failed before registering for the requisite module. 8. Redo fees are non-transferable from one academic session to another, but are refundable for modules dropped within the Add/Drop period (See the Add Drop Policy and Procedures). 9. Processes relating to redoing a module shall be consistent with Regulation 3, Regulation 4, and the Add/Drop Policy and Procedures. NON-SEMESTERISED STUDENTS 10. Processes for redoing modules shall be consistent with Regulation 3 and Regulation 4. 11. Non-semesterised students are required to register to re-do modules by completing the Redo Registration form, and then submitting the completed form to the Admissions Office. Payment to redo modules must be made during the payment periods specified under Significant Dates in the Student Handbook and other official publications. 12. Redo fees are non-transferable from one academic session. Students, however, may request permission to withdraw from the module as per Regulation 3. RE-DO EXAMINATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (Under Review)