ASS IGNMENT OF ADVI SEES TO AN ACADEMIC ADVI SOR Each Academic Advisor is responsible for a group of no more that 30 advisees at any given time. This group can also serve as a support system for you during your University career. Your Advisor will follow your progress throughout your academic career at the University. PROVI S ION FOR CHANGING YOUR ACADEMIC ADVI SOR Since students are assigned to an Academic Advisor at random, the match of Advisee and Advisor may sometimes be incompatible. Therefore, should you wish to request a change of your Academic Advisor, you may complete the form provided for that purpose, and available from the College/ Faculty Academic Advisement Unit (CAAU/FAAU). TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 PO L I C I E S GOV E RN I NG TH E I MPLEMENTATION OF AC AD EM I C ADV I S EME NT 228