University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 224 a. Module/s to be delivered by independent study should be first approved by the Programme Director (PD)/Programme Leader, the Head of School and the Dean in accordance with the stipulations of the Policy Guidelines for Independent Study. A Work Plan for the module delivery should be provided to support the initial approval. The Work Plan should contain relevant module information and the activities that will achieve the learning objectives. The purpose of the Work Plan is to give initial indication of how the delivery of the module will be conducted in order to achieve the intended or equivalent learning outcomes/ objectives. The Plan should therefore be a brief summary of the activities which should guide initial approval for delivery. A copy of the approved module syllabus should accompany the Work Plan. Note: Approval to deliver a module by Independent Study should be obtained before the end of the third week of the semester in which the module will be delivered. b. The student/s should indicate agreement/commitment by signing the Learning Contract c. The Head of School should indicate agreement/commitment by signing the Learning Contract Upon approval of the module for independent study, the Programme Director/Programme Leader should inform the Enterprise Application Unit so that any coding or other necessary actions can be taken. Where students at the Western Campus are taking the module by this modality, the Campus Coordinator should be informed. REQUIREMENTS Note that the following requirements apply to Independent Study as a module only and not as a modality. Some modifications may be made where necessary when it is used as a modality. Students: 1. A student must, under normal circumstances, select the module to be taken as Independent Study prior to the start of a new semester. 2. All Independent Study requests must be submitted to the Academic Programme Director/Programme Leader or any relevant person assigned for that purpose, for review. 3. The student must agree on a learning contract detailing the expectations and requirements for the completion of the Independent Study module, including the number of assignments and the time-line for completion, at the beginning of the semester. 4. The student is expected to meet with his/her lecturer at agreed times throughI NDEPENDENT ST UDY