UNDER REVIEW The policy presents the division of the specialisation credits to enable “major and “minor” specialisation descriptors in a course of study. Although the courses of study in the University frequently exceed the 120–130 credit hour range prescribed (because of professional requirements or international comparability) the percentage allocated to categories of modules in a course of study remains constant. MAJOR SPECIALIZATION IN A COURSE OF STUDY A major specialization is the primary focus of a course of study. It is a cohesive combination of modules, including introductory, intermediate, and advanced modules that designate a student’s primary area of specialization. Single subject major: 46%– 52% credit hours DOUBLE MAJOR SPECIALIZATION IN A COURSE OF STUDY A double major consists of two majors. Double major: minimum 33 credits/maximum 37 credit hours each (25%–28% each major). MAJOR/MINOR SPECIALIZATION IN A COURSE OF STUDY A course of study with a major/minor specialization includes a major as well as a minor specialization which is a combination of courses designed to provide a cohesive introduction to an area of study beyond the major. Major/Minor: 30–36% credit hours (major); 16%–19% credit hours (minor). SINGLE MAJOR WI TH EMPHAS I S This is a course of study that has a single major with an area of emphasis which is a sub-specialization within a major field. Single major with emphasis: 36–42 credit hours (major) (28%–32%) + 26–32 credit hours (20%– 25%) (emphasis). The calculation of the number of credits into which these percentages translate in a specific course of study is based on the initial determination of the total number of credits in the course, and the application of the percentage(s) to that credit total. TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 220 CREDIT ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR AND MINOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES OF STUDY SPECIALIZATION POL I CY (Under Review)