needed to fulfil his/her professional goals and/or graduation requirements (and by approving the Add/Drop request). PROGRAMME DIRECTOR The Programme Director should review the student's course diet and Add/Drop request, and verify the accuracy of the information before approving the application. Once approved, the request will be sent to the Office of Admissions and Enrollment Management for processing. You will receive email notification regarding the status of your request once the status has been updated. If you have any questions please direct them to the Office of Admissions and Enrollment Management. I MPLICATIONS FOR ACADEMIC RECORDS If a module is dropped using the stipulated Add/Drop process, it will not appear on the student's academic records. If he/she stops attending class without dropping or withdrawing from a module by the stipulated deadlines, a failing grade for the module will be on the transcript. See Regulation 3 for withdrawal from modules. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 219 ADD/DROP PO L I C Y AND PROC E DUR E S