POL ICY Students may add or drop modules after being registered up to the first two weeks of Semesters 1 and 2 and the first week of the Summer Session. ADD/DROP TIME FRAMEWORK Students wishing to add/drop modules must do so by completing the Add/Drop Form online by the end of the second week of classes in semesters 1 and 2 and the end of the first week of classes in the summer session. They must comply with any faculty-specific requirements concerning attending lectures and laboratories and continue attending all classes until the Add/Drop request has been fully approved. ADD/DROP GUIDEL INES The Add/Drop period begins at the start of registration and continues until the second week of classes for semester 1(sem1) and semester2 (sem2) or the first week of classes for summer. • Dropping a module after being enrolled will result in the dropped module being removed from your academic record. • Adding a module after being enrolled will result in the cost of the module being charged to your account in the absence of a waiver from the Registrar’s Office. • The adding and dopping of modules after the Add/Drop period ends is not allowed. • You should consult your Academic Advisor before adding or dropping a module. • If a core module is dropped i.e. a module that must be completed for your course of study, provisions must be made to take it in another academic period. • Ensure that your current timetable can accommodate the added module(s). • The maximum number of modules that may be dropped within a semester is three (3). Adding modules will result in payment of additional fees where these are in addition to modules covered in tuition fees already paid. Dropping a module may result in a refund of the tuition fee. Fees for modules dropped after the end of the Add/Drop period will not be reimbursed. ACADEMIC ADVI SOR The Academic Advisor should ensure that the student is not applying to drop a module that is TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 218 ADD/DROP POLICY AND PROCEDURES