University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

(b) Grounds for Appeal (Form 2) (c) The name of the person who will represent the Appellant at the review of the findings of the Disciplinary Committee by the Appeal Board. (d) The Notice and Grounds of Appeal must be filled within seven (7) working days of the release of the findings of the Disciplinary Committee. (e) The Appellant must apply to the Disciplinary Committee within three (3) working days for the written reasons for its decision, and for the notes of the hearing. (f) The written reasons must be supplied by the Disciplinary Committee within seven (7) working days of receiving the request from the Appellant. 6. The Appeal Board shall review the reasons given for the decision of the Disciplinary Committee and the notes of the hearing and shall invite the Appellant and/or his representative to address them on the grounds of appeal. The Appeal Board can ask questions of the representative and if necessary ask the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee to respond. Having reviewed the notes of the hearing, reasons for the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, and the submissions of the parties, the Appeal Board may allow or dismiss the Appeal or make such findings as in its discretion is just. 7. The student may be allowed to call or present fresh evidence at the discretion of the Appeal Board, in which event the Appeal Board shall present any evidence to the contrary. 8. Decisions of the Appeal Board shall be by simple majority of the members attending. The Chairman has the right to exercise a casting vote in the event of a tie of votes. 9. In cases where the Appeal Board rejects an appeal it may, at its discretion, confirm, reduce or increase the penalty. The student shall be entitled to be heard in mitigation before the penalty is determined. 10. Some other sanction may be imposed where the Committee dismisses the Appeal. 11. In determining the penalty, the Appeal Board may take into account any record of previous misconduct in respect of which a disciplinary penalty has been imposed. In addition, the Appeal Board shall examine the sanction imposed accordingly. 12. Minutes of the proceedings shall be kept by the Disciplinary Committee, which shall form part of the record of the appeal submitted by the Appellant to the Appeal Board. TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE 216