University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 215 whose names are forwarded to the Registrar after this period will not be called as witnesses. 6.0 A Chairman shall be appointed and shall have overall responsibility for presiding over the committee and marshalling the evidence. The evidence in support of the charge or the suspension or exclusion shall be heard first, and then the evidence on behalf of the student. The student concerned, and witnesses who are called, shall be subject to examination and cross-examination in accordance with any procedural directions of the Chairman. SCHEDULE D: APPEAL BOARD The following procedures shall be used in relation to appeals to the Appeal Board, which shall be restricted to procedural matters, issues of leniency or submission of fresh evidence not available at the time of the hearing. 1. When an appeal has been lodged, the Appeal Board (through the Registrar) shall notify the student in writing of the hearing. The student shall be notified of the date, place and time of the hearing. At the same time the student shall be informed: (a) of the names of the members of the Appeal Board and the rule regarding the appropriate quorum; (b) that the student may be represented by a member of the University, who shall be entitled to make representation on behalf of the appellant student; (c) the student shall inform the Registrar of the name of his representative at least 48 hours before the appeal is heard. 2. The Appeal Board shall itself decide on any objections to its members lodged by the student. Such objection shall be for cause and no more than 2 such objections shall be permitted. No member to whom objection is raised shall take part in the decision in relation to membership, and the Board may ask a member to withdraw when reaching its decision. The remaining members, for the purposes of this section, shall constitute a quorum. 3. Hearings shall not be held in public. 4. The Appeal Board has the discretion to adjourn, continue or postpone a hearing. If a student does not appear on the date and at the time appointed, and the Appeal Board is satisfied that due notice to appear has been received, it may proceed to hear the appeal and, the Appeal Board may dismiss the appeal in the absence of the student. 5. The appeal process must commence with the filing by the student of (a) A Notice of Appeal (Form 1) ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE