TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE 214 1. Withdrawal of University Certification. 2. Suspension. 3. Expulsion. 4. Reimbursement of University/employee/student/third party for damage at replacement cost. 5. Reimbursement of medical expenses resulting from physical injury. SCHEDULE C: PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE DISCIPLINARY COMMI TTEE IN DEAL ING WI TH OFFENCES AND APPEALS AGAINST SUSPENSIONS OR EXCLUSIONS OR OTHER PUNISHMENTS 1.0 The Disciplinary Committee (through the Registrar) shall notify the student, in writing, to appear before it, allowing at least five (5) working days notice of the hearing. The notice shall give a brief statement of the alleged offence, and/or the reason for the suspension or exclusion. At the same time the student shall be informed: (a) of the names of the members of the Disciplinary Committee. (b) that any objection to any member of the Disciplinary Committee may be lodged with the Registrar at least 48 hours before the hearing outlining the grounds of objection. Such objection shall be for cause; no more than 2 such objections shall be permitted. (c) that s/he may select a representative of her/his choice from the University membership to make representation on her/his behalf before the Committee, and that s/he shall notify the Registrar of the name of her/his elected representative at least 48 hours before the hearing. 2.0 In the case of an alleged offence, if the student wishes to admit the charge, s/he may do so in writing to the Registrar, on receipt of the notice. The student shall be called before the Committee to hear its decision in regard to penalty. 3.0 Hearings shall not be held in public. 4.0 The Committee has discretion to adjourn, continue or postpone a hearing. If the student does not appear on the date and at the time appointed, and the Committee is satisfied that due notice to appear has been received, it may proceed to deal with the matter and, if necessary, impose a penalty in the student’s absence. 5.0 The names of witnesses called in support of the charge or the suspension or exclusion shall be made known to the student at least 48 hours before the hearing. The names of witnesses called by the student must be lodged with the Registrar at least 48 hours before the hearing. Persons