SCHEDULE B – CLASSIFICATION OF PUNI SHMENT The University, through the Office of the Registrar, shall have the right to classify punishment. PUNI SHMENT FOR MINOR OFFENCES The University reserves the right to punish minor offences either individually or with a combination of the following: 1. Exclusion from designated areas and/ or activities of the University. 2. Suspension from the University not exceeding one week. 3. Oral reprimand. 4. Written warning. 5. Order/Instruction to write and publish letter of apology. 6. Withdrawal of University privileges. 7. Withdrawal from University representation or Student Union representation. 8. Reimbursement of University/Employee/Student/Third party for damage at replacement cost. PUNI SHMENT FOR MAJOR OFFENCES The University reserves the right to punish major offences either individually or with a combination of the following: 1. Exclusion from University property or activities. 2, Suspension not exceeding three years from the University. 3. Written warning. 4. Binding student over to good behaviour. 5. Order/Instruction to write and publish letter of apology. 6. Withdrawal of University privileges. 7. Withdrawal from University representation or Student Union representation. 8. Reimbursement of University/employee/student/third party for damage at replacement cost. 9. Reimbursement of medical expenses resulting from physical injury. PUNI SHMENT FOR GROSS MI SCONDUCT The University reserves the right to punish gross misconduct either individually or with a combination of the following: ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE