University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

8. Playing of loud and or offensive music on University property. 9. Using University property without permission. 10. Parking in an unauthorised zone or area. 11. Non-observance of University traffic regulations. 12. Non-compliance with school dress code. 13. Abuse of University e-mail facility. 14. Smoking in non-smoking areas. 15. Refusal to provide identification when asked to do so by an employee of the University, in connection with security or breach of discipline. 16. Display of sexually suggestive or degrading material in the classroom/lecture theatre. 17. Use of study areas for purposes other than for the use intended. MAJOR OFFENCES Major offences shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Persistent commission of the offences classified as minor offences. 2. Causing damage or destruction to University property. 3. Failure to comply with a reasonable instruction given by an academic staff or senior administrative staff or security personnel. 4. Fighting on University property. 5. Physical assault or battery of anyone on University property. 6. Threatening a University employee, fellow student or visitor. 7. Coming to school under the influence of illegal drugs. 8. Indiscriminate use of alcohol and illegal drugs on University property. 9. Stealing University property. 10. Stealing from a fellow University student or third parties. 11. Provoking or inciting students to riot or to behave in a disorderly manner. 12. Verbal threats or assaults to fellow students or third parties on University property. 13. Possession of dangerous substances or weapons on University property. 14. Possession of University property without permission. 15. Obstruction of teaching and learning. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 211 ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE