TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE 210 (b) One member of the Council, not being a member of staff or a student, appointed by the Council; (c) two members of the Academic Board, appointed by the Academic Board; (d) One student, appointed by the Students’ Union. 7.2 The Appeal Board shall be quorate, provided one member present has been appointed by the Council, and one member present has been appointed by the Academic Board. 7.3 No member of the Appeal Board shall have been a member of the Disciplinary Committee at the time when it took the decision or made the recommendation against which the student has appealed; no member shall have any direct or indirect involvement in the case under consideration. 7.4 The Appeal Board may set aside, vary or confirm the decision of the Disciplinary Committee or may set aside or vary the penalty imposed. There shall be no appeal from a decision of the Appeal Board. 7.5 In determining appeals, the Appeal Board shall follow the procedures set out in Schedule D of this Ordinance. SCHEDULE A – CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENCES The University, through the Office of the Registrar, shall have the right to classify offences. MINOR OFFENCES Minor Offences shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Use of abusive, offensive or obscene language. 2. Being on campus under the influence of alcohol. 3. Failure to comply with a reasonable instruction given by an employee of the University. 4. Gambling on University property. 5. “Horse-play” or other similar conduct likely to cause injury to person or property. 6. Disruption of legitimate University activity. 7. Loitering in a prohibited zone.