University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 209 6.6 If a student charged with an offence does not attend a disciplinary meeting on the date and at the time appointed without prior satisfactory written explanation having been received, the Disciplinary Committee may deal with the matter and, if necessary, impose a penalty in the student’s absence. 6.7 A complainant or a witness who is summoned to attend a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee, and who fails to attend without due cause, may be liable to disciplinary proceedings under sections of this Ordinance. The Disciplinary Committee shall determine whether the complainant or the witness has due cause for absence. 6.8 The Disciplinary Committee shall report its decision or recommendation to the President who may not take any action on a decision or recommendation of the Committee until the period within which the student may appeal to the Appeal Board has expired or, if an appeal was lodged within that period, until the decision of the Appeal Board is known. 6.9 Where the Disciplinary Committee, through the President, forwards a recommendation to the Council and Academic Board for a student’s expulsion from the University, it may direct, without reference to the Council and Academic Board, that the student be suspended from any class or classes or excluded from any part of the University or its precincts during the whole or any part of the time between the recommendation and the decision of the Appeal Board or, in a case where the student does not exercise the right to appeal, the expiry of the period within which that right may be exercised. 6.10 Any student affected by a decision of the Disciplinary Committee has the right to appeal in writing to the Appeal Board through the Registrar within ten (10) days of the decision. The appeal may be against the decision of the Committee either in whole or in part, and the appellant must state briefly the grounds on which it is made. 7.0 THE APPEAL BOARD 7.1 Subject to the provisions of Section 6.2, the composition of the Appeal Board shall be: - (a) A Chairman, not being a member of staff or a student, appointed by the Council; ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE