University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 207 under the auspices of the University from the University or any part of the University and its precincts and other premises owned or occupied by the University, for such period as the President may determine but not lasting after the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings (including an appeal, if any) in respect of that student. 5.1 The President shall report any such suspension or exclusion to the next meeting of the Council and the Academic Board. 5.2 The President shall inform the student or other person in writing at the time of suspension or exclusion of: (a) the reason for the suspension or exclusion; (b) the right of appeal to the Disciplinary Committee against such suspension or exclusion. The right of appeal shall not apply to suspension or exclusion pending hearings. 5.3 A student who has been suspended from any class or classes, or excluded from the whole or any part of the University by the President, may apply in writing to the Disciplinary Committee for review of the decision through the Registrar within ten days of the President’s decision. The application must state briefly the grounds on which it is made. 5.4 In considering such applications, the Disciplinary Committee shall follow the procedures set out in Schedule C of this Ordinance. 5.5 The Disciplinary Committee may amend, ratify or revoke the suspension or exclusion of the student, or may forward a recommendation to the Council and the Academic Board through the President, for the student’s expulsion from the University. 5.6 The Disciplinary Committee shall report its decision or recommendation to the President who shall inform the Council and Academic Board. No action shall be taken on a decision or recommendation of the Committee until the period within which the student may appeal to the Appeal Board has expired or, if an appeal has been lodged within that period, until the decision of the Appeal Board is known. 5.7 Where the Disciplinary Committee, through the President, forwards a recommendation to the Council and Academic Board for the student’s expulsion from the University, it may direct, without reference to the Council and Academic Board, that the student be suspended from any class or classes or excluded from any part of the ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE