University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

4.1.7 If the alleged offender does not attend a panel of enquiry on the date and at the time appointed, without prior satisfactory written explanation having been received, the appropriate officer named in section 3.1 may deal with the matter and, if necessary, impose a penalty in the student’s absence. 4.1.8 A complainant or witness summoned to attend a meeting arranged by an appropriate officer under section 3.1 or enquiry panel under section 4.1.4 who fails to attend without due cause may be liable to disciplinary proceedings. 4.1.9 If the student is not prepared to accept the decision of the appropriate officer/panel who has dealt with the alleged offence, the student has the right of final appeal in writing to the President through the Registrar within ten days of the notification of the decision. An appeal may be brought against the procedure, the decision, or against the penalty whereupon the grounds must be stated briefly and clearly. 4.1.10 The President shall have the power to set aside, vary, confirm or advise the Registrar to refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee. 4.1.11 In determining appeals, the Disciplinary Committee shall follow the procedure set out in Schedule C of this Ordinance. 4.1.12 The Disciplinary Committee may set aside, vary or confirm the decision taken by the appropriate officer/inquiry panel/President or may set aside or vary the penalty imposed. There shall be no further appeal from a decision taken by the Disciplinary Committee under this section unless the Committee has imposed a greater penalty. 4.2 Major Offences (See Schedule A) 4.2.1 All major offences shall be reported immediately to the President who may suspend or exclude the student, pending investigation and determination of the allegation in accordance with Section 5 of this Ordinance. 4.2.2 The President shall cause a written allegation of the offence to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, copied to the Director of Safety and Security, within 24 hours of an oral report or shall give instructions for a written TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE 204