University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE 203 • Any person acting in the above capacity • Any other person so designated by the Registrar of the University The Disciplinary Committee shall have jurisdiction to investigate and punish major offences and offences of gross misconduct in accordance with the procedures stated in 4.2 of this Ordinance. 4.0 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE 4.1 Minor Offences 4.1.1 The appropriate officer shall cause a written allegation of the offence to be submitted to his office within three (3) days of an oral report or shall make a written notation of an allegation. 4.1.2 A copy of the allegation shall be served on the student within seven (7) days of the written report/notation and the student shall acknowledge receipt of same or a notation of non-acknowledgement shall be made by the person serving. 4.1.3 The student shall submit a written response to the allegation within seven (7) days of receipt and the appropriate officer shall, upon receipt of the response or in any event within 14 days, either impose a penalty in accordance with Schedule B or dismiss the allegation. A record will be kept in the Division/Department/Faculty and will expire after six months if the offence is not repeated or if no other offence of a disciplinary nature is committed. 4.1.4 The appropriate officer, before making a decision under 4.1.3, may call a panel of enquiry within two working days of the receipt of the written response if the circumstances deem this necessary. The student shall be informed in writing by the appropriate officer of the date, time and place of the meeting at least three days before the meeting. The panel shall submit a written report to the appropriate officer within seven (7) days of its meeting. 4.1.5 The appropriate officer may call oral evidence or may direct the panel of enquiry to do the same. 4.1.6 The appropriate officer shall inform the student, in writing, of the decision taken under 4.1.3 within seven (7) days and of the right of final appeal to the President, if punishment is imposed.