University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 RE GU L AT I ON 5 198 8.0 SANCT IONS/PENALT I ES Sanctions/penalties apply to all forms of academic misconduct. 8.1 Gross Offences 8.1.1 For infringements under Gross Offences (3.1), expulsion from the University by the Academic Board. 8.1.2 An expulsion which will take immediate effect (i.e. immediately following the decision by the Academic Board). 8.1.3 Where expulsion is the applied sanction, the student may appeal to the University Council. 8.1.4 The decision of the Council is final decision. 8.1.5 The timeline for appeals is as indicated in Section 6.0. 8.2 Major Offences 8.2.1 For infringements under Major Offences (3.2), disqualification of course work and examination in which the breach occurred (zero mark assigned). 8.2.2 Additionally, based on the particulars of the offence, the student will be suspended from the University for a period not exceeding one academic year of study (two semesters and one summer session). 8.2.3 The offender will be required to repeat the course work and examination following the period of suspension. 8.2.4 The sanction shall be effective from the beginning of the academic session following the meeting of AMIP. 8.2.5 In instances where sanctions are applied, no refund of fees will be made. 8.2.6 The period of suspension shall be counted as part of the maximum allowable time for programme completion. 8.3 Lesser Offences Infringements under Lesser Offences (3.3) are regarded as being less severe; such offences shall attract lesser sanctions as outlined hereunder: 8.3.1 For a first offence, a written warning shall be issued and a copy placed on the student’s file.