University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 197 6.3 Membership The SAC members shall comprise persons who have not been members of the AMIP and shall consist of: 6.3.1 President, Deputy President or nominee – Chairman. 6.3.2 One senior academic staff member (senior lecturer and above; not the invigilator or course examiner in the case of academic misconduct) nominated by the Registrar. 6.3.3 A student representative appointed by the Students’ Council. 6.3.4 A legal representative of the University. 6.4 In Attendance The following persons will be required to be in attendance: 6.4.1 The Chairman of AMIP or a member of the panel, nominated by him/her; 6.4.2 Other persons as determined by the SAC; 6.4.3 The Registrar or his/her nominee. 6.5 Secretariat of Special Appeals Committee (SAC) University Examinations Centre 7.0 RIGHT TO REPRESENTATION 7.1 The Student The student has the right to call witnesses and have representative(s) at all levels of the proceedings. Where witnesses and/or representatives are to be present, the student must communicate his/her intention in writing to the Registrar at least three (3) working days prior to the hearing. The notification should indicate the name(s) of the witness(es) and representative(s). 7.2 The University reserves the right to have legal representation at any or all levels of the proceedings. RE GU L AT I ON 5