University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 196 a) Notice of Appeal (Form 1) Appendix 1 b) Grounds for Appeal (Form 2) Appendix 2 c) The name of the person who may be representing the student at the review of the findings of the Special Appeals Committee (SAC). 6.1.2 Notice and grounds of appeal must be filed by the student or his/her representative within five (5) working days of the release of the decision. If applicable, the student shall notify the secretariat of the name of his/her representative at least three (3) working days, prior to the hearing. The Notice of Appeal and Grounds of Appeal forms may be collected from the University Examination Centre. 6.2 Special Appeals Committee (SAC) 6.2.1 The Registrar shall constitute the Special Appeals Committee to hear the appeal, provided that all relevant information has been received. 6.2.2 The Special Appeals Committee (SAC) shall: a) review the reasons given for the decision and the notes of the hearing; b) invite the student and/or his/her representative(s) to address them on the grounds of appeal; c) ask questions of the representative(s) and, if necessary, ask the chairman or another member of AMIP to respond. d) allow for witness(es), if any, to then be heard. 6.2.3 Having reviewed the notes of the hearing, reasons for the decision of the AMIP, and heard the submissions of the parties, the SAC may confirm, reverse or vary the decision of the AMIP. Note: The findings and decision of the SAC will be final. 6.2.4 The SAC’s decision will be communicated to the student by the office of the University Registrar within ten (10) working days after the meeting. 6.2.5 The SAC shall submit a report of its findings and decision to the next meeting of the Academic Board. 6.2.6 Members of AMIP are not eligible to be the student’s representative or witness at SAC RE GU L AT I ON 5