University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 195 5.7 In Attendance The following persons may be required to be in attendance: 5.7.1 Legal Counsel and Compliance Officer or Assistant Legal Counsel and Compliance Officer 5.7.2 Members of the secretariat for AMIP 5.7.3 The chief invigilator for the examination in which the alleged breach occurred; 5.7.4 The invigilator who identified the breach if different from the chief invigilator (as required); 5.7.5 The student against whom the case has been brought; 5.7.6 A university counsellor; 5.7.7 The lecturer in whose examination/class/module the alleged breach occurred; 5.7.8 Student’s Representative(s) (if any) (not to exceed three persons); 5.7.9 The Assistant Registrar, Examinations; 5.7.10 A representative of the School of Graduate Studies, Research & Entrepreneurship (where the accused student is a graduate student). 5.8 Secretariat for AMIP The University Examinations Centre 5.9 The decisions by AMIP will be communicated to the student by the office of the University Registrar within ten (10) working days after the meeting. 6.0 APPEALS Appeals shall be restricted to procedural irregularities at the hearing, issues of leniency or submission of fresh evidence not available at the time of the hearing. Appeals are not allowed outside of the specified grounds. 6.1 Filing an Appeal 6.1.1 On receipt of the decision, in writing from the University, the student may appeal the decision by writing to the Registrar. The appeals process must commence with the filing by the student of: ORD I NANCE 1999/14 – STUDENT DI SC I P L I NE