“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 193 Examinations, copied to the Dean of the College/ Faculty, normally within seven (7) working days of notifying the student. 4.2 During other forms of academic assessment: 4.2.1 The circumstances should be carefully noted and documented and all supporting evidence secured by the assessor. 4.2.2 The matter shall be reported to the Head of School. 4.2.3 The Head of School shall normally within five (5) working days advise the student in writing that s/he may have committed a breach of the University’s Regulation Governing Academic Misconduct. 4.2.4 The student shall be requested to submit a written response, within five (5) working days of being informed. 4.2.5 The Head of School shall garner information relating to the case and submit a written report (including all the evidence) to the Assistant Registrar - Examinations, copied to the Dean of the College/ Faculty, normally within seven (7) working days of notifying the student. 4.3 The Assistant Registrar, Examinations, shall constitute the Academic Misconduct Inquiry Panel to hear the matter. 5.0 ACADEMIC MI SCONDUCT I NQUIRY PANEL (AMIP) 5.1 The AMIP shall be a standing committee constituted by the Academic Board and shall have authority to: 5.1.1 Establish whether there has been an infraction; 5.1.2 Determine the category of academic misconduct; 5.1.3 Make a ruling on the sanction(s) to be applied. The sanctions shall be in accordance with the levels and categories of penalties as laid out in these regulations governing academic misconduct; 5.1.4 Inform the student of its decision through the Assistant Registrar – Examinations. 5.2 The AMIP shall meet after receipt of the formal report from the HoS to consider the allegation. RE GU L AT I ON 5