University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 192 3.3.6 Other offences not herein specified but which subvert or would subvert the integrity and credibility of the assessment process and deemed as lesser offences by the University. 4.0 PROCEDURAL RULES If a candidate is suspected of academic misconduct, the following sequence of steps shall be adhered to: 4.1 In an examination: 4.1.1 The circumstances should be carefully noted and documented by the chief invigilator and all supporting evidence, excluding examination script, confiscated. 4.1.2 The candidate shall be advised of the alleged breach, but allowed to complete the examination. 4.1.3 A written statement shall be requested from the candidate at the end of the examination. 4.1.4 Both the chief invigilator and the Invigilator or lecturer who discovered the candidate’s alleged misconduct shall, at the end of the examination, provide detailed written statements of the alleged misconduct as well as confiscated supportive evidence to be handed over to the Assistant Registrar, Examinations. 4.1.5 The Assistant Registrar, Examinations, shall normally, within two (2) working day, hand over copies of all written statements and supportive evidence, except the examination script, to the Head of School concerned. 4.1.6 Following, the handing over of the copies of all supportive evidence to the Head of School, s/he shall normally, within five (5) working days, advise the student in writing that s/he is alleged to have committed a breach of the University Regulation Governing Academic Misconduct. 4.1.7 The student shall be requested to submit a written response, within five (5) working days of being informed. 4.1.8 The Head of School shall garner information relating to the case and submit a written report (including all the evidence) to the Assistant Registrar - RE GU L AT I ON 5