University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 190 3.2 Major Offences 3.2.1 Offences Committed during an assessment (course work or examination) These include: a. Copying from another candidate’s paper; b. Using unauthorized examination aids (i.e. any material that could potentially aid the student in an examination for the module being assessed); c. Using unauthorized electronic, communication and storage devices; using any device that is capable of accessing the internet, or linked to any other device or has storage capabilities d. Knowingly allowing one’s work to be copied during an assessment; e. Collaborating with another candidate orally, in writing or by signal during an assessment without permission; f.Directly or indirectly giving assistance to another candidate during an assessment without permission; g. Accepting unauthorized assistance whether directly or indirectly from another individual in the sitting of an examination; h. Failure to submit examination script or other pertinent examination material as required. (Note that a zero will be given for the material not submitted.) i. Leaving an examination room with items demanded to be presented or submitted by an assessor/invigilator/examiner’ j. Other offences not herein specified but which subvert or would subvert the integrity and credibility of the assessment process and deemed as major offences by the University. 3.2.2 Offences Committed Outside an Examination These include: a. Fabricating research results, including false claims regarding research results, interviews or procedures; the omission of statements regarding interviews, procedures, or experiments, where the omission cannot be justified; b. Plagiarism: presenting any material, whether in written, oral or electronic form, that is attributable to, or the property of another person as one’s own work without acknowledging the source from which the material is taken. Merely RE GU L AT I ON 5