Student Handbook 2024-25

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 187 accreditation purposes. It is required that all academic assignments submitted for evaluation and course credit be the product of the student’s individual effort, except in the case of team projects arranged and approved of by the instructor. Examination misconduct constitutes an attempt on the part of the student/candidate to undermine the University’s examination exercise, that is, any act carried out during an examination for the purpose of obtaining credit dishonestly. Under this policy, there are three categories of academic misconduct – gross, major and lesser offences. 3.1 Gross Offences 3.1.1 Offences committed during an assessment (course work and/or examination) a. Presenting oneself for another candidate for the purpose of taking a test or examination; or by allowing oneself to be represented by another for the same; b. Surreptitiously obtaining prior knowledge of the content of an examination question paper and using same in the examination.. c. Other offences not herein specified but which subvert or would subvert the integrity and credibility of the assessment process and deemed as gross offences by the University. 3.1.2 Offences Committed Outside an Assessment (Coursework or Examination) a. Contributing to the breach or leakage of content of an examination question paper. b. Selling, publishing unadministered examination papers or other work assigned for purposes of academic credit; c.Altering assessment work after it has been evaluated; d. Forging, altering or falsifying any academic record, or making use of any such altered, forged, or falsified record for purposes of obtaining academic credit; e. Other offences not herein specified but which subvert or would subvert the integrity and credibility of the assessment process and deemed as gross offences by the University. Gross offences committed outside of an examination shall be subject to the same disciplinary procedures as if committed in an examination room. RE GU L AT I ON 5