“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” RE GU L AT I ON 4 181 course of study. Verification is an internal quality process that determines whether the examination complies with specifications of the Course of Study. The Chairman of this Panel shall be the Head of the School or Department in which the Course of Study is located, or his or her nominee. 17. Members of the Panel shall be the Head of School/Department, Programme Director(s), Programme Leader(s), the Examination Officer, and any other persons approved by the Faculty/College Board. 18. The duties of the School/Internal Examination Panel shall be as follows: 18.1 To ensure that the examination process has been carried out in accordance with University and Faculty/College regulations; 18.2 To review a candidate’s module results in examination and other forms of assessments that have been submitted to the School/Department; 18.3 To determine provisional marks, academic status and/or University award for each candidate in a Course of Study and submit the same to the External Examiners and/or the Faculty/College Board of Examiners; 18.4 To ensure that each candidate’s examination and other forms of assessment are available to the external examiners and/or the Faculty/College Board of Examiners; 18.5 To ensure that any other pertinent information that has had a bearing on the provisional recommendations is made available to the External Examiners and/or the Faculty/College Board of Examiners. PUBLICATION OF RESULTS 19. The list of results obtained by candidates in each examination, and the decisions about the academic progress of candidates, shall be drawn up by the Faculty/ College Board of Examiners. The Faculty/College Board of Examiners shall forward: 19.1 to the Academic Board the pass and classified lists of candidates who have successfully completed the final examinations leading to a degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction of the University; 19.2 to the appropriate institution or professional body results of candidates in examinations leading to an award of the body concerned. 20. Faculty/College Board of Examiners shall publish pass lists of candidates who have successfully completed the final examinations leading to a degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction of the University, and an aca-