T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE HNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 170 submit it to the Programme Director within six weeks or five weeks of the start of the semester or summer session, respectively. Otherwise, the module will be treated normally and the final result will affect the GPA. 6. CLASSES OF ACADEMIC AWARDS To obtain an award, all modules satisfying the conditions stipulated in the course of study have been passed. The regulations governing classes of academic awards will apply to new students incoming 2021/2022 and will be implemented as follows. [In the case of returning students, the class of awards will be based on the Regulation governing the year they commenced their studies at UTech, Jamaica.] 6.1. BACHELOR’ S DEGREES The cumulative GPA of Levels 2 to 4 modules will determine the class of award, beginning with students entering a new course of study in AY (2018/2019) Post-diploma/Articulated Students: the GPA of all post-diploma modules will determine the class of award, irrespective of whether some are Lower Level modules. 6.1.1 FI RST CLASS (HONOURS) a. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.67. b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. c. All modules must be passed at the first sitting. The Presidents Pin will be awarded to First Class (Honours) students who achieve a cumulative GPA of 4.0 and above 6.1.2 Second Class Upper (Honours) a. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.33. b The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. 6.1.3 SECOND CLASS LOWER (HONOURS) a. A minimum accumulative GPA of 2.67. b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. 6.1.4 PASS a. A minimum accumulative GPA of 2.00 b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. 6.2 DI PLOMAS 6.2.1 WI TH HONOURS a. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. c. All modules must be passed at the first sitting. 6.2.2 WI TH CREDI T a. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.67. b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. RE GU L AT I ON 3