Student Handbook 2024-25

final academic standing will be determined by his/her achievement throughout the academic year or module delivery period, taking into account evaluation measures such as classroom or proctored tests and examinations, laboratory work, projects, supervised practical experiences, theses and their defence. Academic staff shall advise students of the method of evaluation of each module, no later than the beginning of the module delivery. [This applies to graduate students as well] 5.2 GRADING SYSTEM The University’s official grading system and relevant key codes are specified in Tables 1 & 2. Table 2: Key Codes Status Key Academic Misconduct AM Excused EX Incomplete L Medical M No Submission NS Withdrawal from Module WM Withdrawal from Course of Study with Permission WC Pass P Fail F Deferred DF Absent AB “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 167 RE GU L AT I ON 3 Performance Description Grade Grade Point Percentage Scale Comments (Undergraduate) Comments (Graduate) Excellent A+ 4.3 90.00–100 Pass Pass A 4.0 80.00–89.99 Pass Pass A- 3.67 75.00–79.99 Pass Pass Good B+ 3.33 70.00–74.99 Pass Pass B 3.0 65.00–69.99 Pass Pass B- 2.67 60.00–64.99 Pass Fail Satisfactory C+ 2.33 55.00–59.99 Pass Fail C 2.0 50.00–54.99 Pass Fail Unsatisfactory D+ 1.67 45.00–49.99 Fail Fail D 1.3 40.00–44.99 Fail Fail E 0.86 30.00–39.99 Fail Fail U 0.00 0.00–29.99 Fail Fail Table 1: Grading Systems for both Undergraduate and Graduate Courses of Study