Student Handbook 2024-25

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 165 wal from the course of study for a period of time not exceeding one semester/summer session. The request is made by submitting the C/FSAAC request form to the College/Faculty at least two weeks before the official suspension of classes for the semester/summer session. Resumption notice should be given three weeks prior to the date on which the student is expected to resume, using the Readmission form. Any request for withdrawal will be counted in the maximum completion timeframe for the course of study. Any incomplete modules attempted will be annotated with a “WC” . The attempt will be noted in the student’s record, but will not affect the calculation of the GPA. Students will be required to redo the incomplete modules after resumption. Withdrawal from a course of study is not permitted in the last two weeks before the official suspension of classes. Students are prohibited from pursuing any study at the University while on Withdrawal. Refer to the Fee Refund Policy as it relates to outstanding fee or fee refund. 3.27.2 WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT PERMISSION A student is considered to have withdrawn without permission if he/she fails to a. complete or participate in course requirements and has not sought approval request and received approval of the university of his/her intention to do so. b. continue in the course of study when approval to withdraw was not given. c. return after the period of Leave of Absence or Withdrawal with Permission has ended. In these circumstances, students who are desirous of completing the course of study should reapply to the University. Refer to the Fee Refund Policy as it relates to outstanding fee or fee refund. 4. ACADEMIC PROGRESS AND GRANT ING OF AWARDS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 4.1. The University confers awards on students who have successfully completed approved courses of study and who have satisfied the conditions specified in Ordinance 7. 4.2. To receive a university award, a student must successfully complete the requirements of his/her course of study as well as fulfil other obligations to the University. To be eligible for graduation, a student must be in good academic standing and have satisfied all other obligations to the University. Generally, a student will be eligible to receive a degree, diploma, associate degree, certificate or other award when: a) He/she has successfully completed (passed) all modules and assigned credit hours in a prescribed course of study. b) He/she has been recommended by both the College/Faculty Board of Examiners and the Registrar. c) He/she has met the requirements specified in Ordinance 7, and d) The recommendation has been approved by the Academic Board. RE GU L AT I ON 3