“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 163 difficulty/complexity of the modules and/or where they are sequenced in the course of study. Each student must complete the required number of credits at every Level in order to graduate. The levels are: • Level 1 – Successful completion of up to 26 credits, including Transfer/Exemption credits. • Level 2 – Successful completion of 27 to 58 credits, including Transfer/Exemption credits. • Level 3 – Successful completion of 59 to 91 credits, including Transfer/Exemption credits. • Level 4 – Successful completion of 92 credits and above, including Transfer/Exemption credits. 3.16 OPT ION/SPECIALISATION/ROUTE A group of modules related to a major area of specialised study within a course of study, frequently developing from a common base, e.g., the Accounting and Marketing Options of the Bachelor of Business Administration course of study. The specialisation areas comprise major, major/minor and double-major options. Some graduate courses also have specializations. 3.17 PROGRESS REPORT A statement detailing a student’s academic performance for an academic session, issued by the Registrar upon request. 3.18 RE-ADMI SS ION This is admission by the university of a student who is resuming his/her course of study. The following categories of students may apply for re-admission: a. Withdrawn without permission b. Expired. Students resuming are required to comply with the university’s re-admissions or re-application procedure. (See the Re-Admission Policy) 3.19 REDO To redo a module means to register (having paid) for the module, attend classes face-to-face, participate online or through independent study, complete all coursework requirements, and sit the end-of-module final examination, if applicable. 3.20 RE-INSTATEMENT This is the restoration by the Academic Board of a student to his/her former status in the University. Re-instatement applies to students who were on approved Leave of Absence, Withdrawn with Permission, and such other categories as may be determined by the Academic Board. For students who have been suspended, reinstatement will be subject to the terms and conditions of their suspension. Students are required to request re-instatement in writing to the Registrar. 3.21 SEMESTER/SUMMER SESS ION A semester is one of the two main academic sessions in the academic year. It is normally 16 weeks in duration and includes teaching, study period and the examination session. A summer session runs within the period from the end of Semester 2 to the beginning of the next academic year. It is normally 10 weeks in duration, which includes teaching and the examination session. RE GU L AT I ON 3