T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 ST UD E NT LI F E 146 • promote social intercourse and unity of spirit and feeling among the students • bring the students into closer relations with the students of other universities and institutions of higher and further education. WELFARE AND SERVICES The Students’ Union Council operates numerous activities geared towards benefiting our populace. These activities include representation, office services, welfare services, bursary assistance such as tuition, lunch, transportation and laundry. 1. “Love Lunch” This is an expansion of the services that are offered by the Students’ Union whereby eligible students are provided with lunch tickets to purchase meals at selected food outlets. 2. Laundromat The Laundromat is located in the Lome’ Halls “Blocks” and operated by the office of Students’ Union Council. Tokens for washing and drying cost $300.00 per load (prices subject to change) and are sold at the Students’ Union Business Office only. Opening hours are 9am–4pm, Monday–Friday and 11am–6pm on weekends. 3. “Love Bus” The Students’ Union shuttle service is dedicated to serving the commuting student community through accessible routes and schedules. This service is provided to students at a discounted rate and operates from Monday through Friday from 6am to 9pm. The shuttle service was paused due to the pandemic however the service is expected to be reinstated for the 2024/2025 academic year. More information on the operating routes and prices will be made via the students’ union social media pages. Please be advised that to access this service, you are required to present your UTech, Ja ID card upon boarding all identified student buses. B US INESS O FF ICE S ERVICES The Student’s Union aims to accommodate students' demand for office services. These include: • Document printing – offered to students at competitive prices. • Photocopying – offered at different costs, according to paper type and colour. • Facsimile services – offered to students at competitive prices • Binding • Scanning documents